3/8in BALSA CORE 2X4 Sheet

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Features include:
- Chemically enhanced, pre-coated end grain balsa for composite construction and repair of hulls, decks and superstructures.
- Compatible with polyester, vinyl ester or epoxy resins and glass, Kevlar or Carbon Fibers.
- High Strength-to-Weight Ratio, impact and fatigue resistant.
- Used as a sustainable, lightweight core material in various sandwich structures it allows the construction of lightweight yet sturdy composites.
- Excellent flexural, bond and shear strengths.
- Requires less resin to wet out than cellular foam cores.
- Pre-wetting is not necessary.
- Certified and approved for marine use.
Balsa core is the only material that comes from natural and renewable resources. It offers many advantages in the manufacture of composite parts. It has a honeycomb-like cell structure that’s configured into end-grain panels that can provide optimal properties including high compressive, flexural and shear strength along with stiffness. Balsa is a cost effective, natural material that is produced in a variety of densities that can be tailored to specific applications.
Available in 2' x 4' sheets of individual small blocks which are bonded to a light scrim fabric that holds the blocks together while laminating. Sheets of this core will conform to practically any simple curve and most gradual compound curves.
Density 9.5 lbs.